Yaffa and David Zinar

I had a sister named Naomi Zinar, who was hospitalized in the hospital at Mount Scopus (Har HaZofim) because she was sick. My father z''l, when he arrived to visit her, was told by the doctors that she had died. My father asked to see the body, or receive a death certificate; of course they ignored his request with all sorts of excuses. And he returned home without her.

I want to dare and say that in my opinion this whole topic, of the kidnapped Yemenite children, it's clear to me that all of the "national heroes", that supposedly were members of Knesset at the time or earlier, were full participants in this whole scandal. Most of them maybe aren't alive, but there is one man, number one in the country, and I'm sure that he knows this affair and its minutiae and ignores all of it. Maybe when he passes, then the affair will be exposed clearly, but then it will be too late. Because he will leave with many secrets that only he knows. And there won't be anyone to blame or prosecute.

I am ashamed of this country of ours, that the people who built it on one hand are the ones who destroyed it on the other. I despise them.

Nehemaya Zinar

I am ashamed of this country of ours, that the people who built it on one hand are the ones who destroyed it on the other. I despise them