The private investigation firm Gut-Ben Asher, working for the State Investigation Committee, located an elderly woman living in Rehovot, who adopted a child in the 1950s, from a Witzo facility on Rothschild Street in Tel Aviv. At first, the witness refused to testify and later was subpoenaed. According to the files, the committee even offered to come to Rehovot to hear her testimony.
According to the summary of her interrogation by Gut-Ben Asher, the woman (her name is withheld) adopted her child in 1955 from a Witzo institution around Rothschild Street in Tel Aviv, where she claims many children were offered for adoption. She adds that she has been to other similar institutions in Israel, and did not find a child she liked, but she does not specify which institutions. She said the person who mediated and referred her to the Witzo institution in Tel Aviv was Ada Maimon (Fishman), who was a Knesset member for Mapai (Labour) in those years. Ms Mimon was the sister of Rabbi Yehuda Leib Fishman Maimon, one of the senior leaders of the Mizrahi movement and a Knesset member himself.
According to her testimony, the baby was given to her without a name, identity card, or birth certificate. She also claims that she was told that the baby is the child of an unmarried female soldier, who died in a car accident. The baby was six months old at the time. After a while, an adoption case was opened for him in court.