In 1952 the daughter of Mazal (aka Gazal) and Saliman was taken to HaEmek hospital in Afula. Later, a telegram arrived and instructed them to come and take their daughter. When they arrived at the hospital the medical team informed them that their daughter had died, but that there was no corpse. The father demanded to see his daughter or her body. In response, the police were called to forcibly escort them out of the hospital. Sixteen years later they received a conscription order for her.
Gazal’s daughter tells us that until her dying days her mother would ask to see her daughter, Ester. Only such a cruel and damned country could let parents go to their graves in such pain and without answers. The parents and grandparents aren’t waiting for inquiries or laws or archives, they’re only waiting for their children.
June 20, 2016: Two weeks ago we interviewed Mazal Atara, whose daughter Ester was kidnapped. Two days ago she passed away. Her passing is painful for all of us. May her memory be a blessing.